Chocolate sandesh sweet – a special Bengali mist


Bengali chocolate sandesh is the finest chocolaty dessert of Kolkata’s aka West Bengal’s sweet shops. Cocoa powder, soft chana, or Bengali cottage cheese and sugar are the main ingredients of this delicious sweet. Durga puja, Laxmi puja, kali puja, marriage ceremony to welcoming guests this special chocolate-colored and flavoredb sandesh acquires its own place.

For making our Kolkata’s special chocolate Sandesh, first, we need to make chenna or chana by curdling the milk with lemon juice, curd or vinegar.

Then this Bengali chana or cottage cheese or chenna will go through a good kneading method by palm heel. The first part will be turned into our authentic sandesh followed by my previous recipe means, where soft and moist well-kneaded chenna will be first cooked in a pan with sugar and few drops of rose essence. When the sugar will be completely melted then the cocoa powder will be added to the mixture. 

And the next part firstly turned into the same Bengali sandesh with little more sugar and later mixed up and cooked with cocoa powder. Here few more tbsp. of sugar must be added with its ingredients than the plain sandesh recipe to remove the bitterness of the cocoa powder. 

How to make chocolate sandesh recipe?

Making of chenna

First, 1 ½ liter full-fat milk in a pan on high flame, bring it to boil. Then slow down the flame to its minimum and add 1 ¼ cup of curd to it. Stir it well.

When the milk will be curdled completely, turn off the heat.

Pour the curdled milk through a cotton cloth or muslin cloth lined strainer. Immediately add 2 cups of water and stir it well.

Once the water stopped coming from it, hang it for 20-30 mins.

After 30 mins, remove the chenna from the cloth, and knead well with palm heel.

Then divide the chenna into two equal parts. 

Preparing Sandesh

Put the first part of chenna in a pan with 5 tbsp. of sugar and 2-3 drops of rose essence or 1 tsp. of rose water.

Turn on the heat and start cooking it together on low flame for the first 4 mins. 

Then switch off the heat and continuously stir it for 5 mins. 

After 5 mins again turn on the heat and cook it for 2 more mins with continuous stirring.

Within these last 2 mins, must notice the chenna mixture leave the sides and bottom of the pan and turn it into soft dough.

After 2 mins turn off the heat and remove the dough on a plate. And let it completely cool down.

How to make chocolate sandesh?

Take the last half of the chenna in the same pan with 7-8 tbsp. of sugar.

Then turn on the heat and keep the flame to its minimum. Mix it nicely together.

Apply the same process of first 4 mins cooking with continuous stirring. Then turn off the heat and take a break for 5 mins but stir it continuously. 

After those 5 mins, add 4 tbsp. cocoa powder to it and mix it well.

When the cocoa powder is completely mixed up with chenna, mix, then turn on the heat.

Let it completely cool down. Until the mixture totally cools down don’t start to make sandesh out of it. 

Enjoy your chocolate sandesh recipe.


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