A Unique Twist To A Simple Sweet- Easy Chocolate Sandesh


Sandesh is a delicious fudge made with fresh milk solids or chenna that is velvety to the mouth. It's made for important events and holidays, such as Navratri and Deepawali. The fundamental Sandesh recipe has many tastes and texture variants, and it may be elegantly coloured and moulded into many forms and sizes. If you're searching for sweets to serve at a gathering for kids, you should try this easy chocolate Sandesh dish.

Ingredients required for chocolate Sandesh:

•    One litre of full-fat milk OR 2 per cent milk
•    Half cup curd OR two tablespoons lime juice OR one and a half tablespoon white vinegar
•    One teaspoon ghee
•    Five to six tablespoons granulated sugar
•    powdered cocoa One  tablespoon OR chocolatey powder for sipping
•    Seven to eight roughly sliced pistachios

Recipe of easy chocolate Sandesh:

•    Bring the milk to a boil in a container at a low temperature.

•    Beat the curd until smooth, then gently pour it into the heated milk, swirling constantly. Not all of the curd should be added at once.

•    The milk will start to curdle, with milk solids developing alongside a thin greenish liquid known as whey. If the milk still does not curdle after pouring all of the curds, add additional 1-2 tablespoons of curd. Extinguish the flame.

•    Insert 8-10 ice cubes into the container right away to prevent the milk solids from cooking anymore. Permit for a 5-minute rest period.

•    Place a sieve on top of an empty jar. Strain the curdled milk into the strainer, which has been linked with damp muslin or cheesecloth. The curd would settle at the base of the jar, while the curdled milk solids which are also known as chenna would rise to the top. Cast aside the gathered whey to utilize in the roti dough kneading.

•    To remove any sourness from the chenna, mix Two to Three glasses of water over it.

•    Fold all four ends of the cloth together and firmly compress the milk solids that are chenna two to three times to eliminate any surplus liquid. Tie a knot on the end so you could hang it somewhere where the extra liquid can drain. Set away for twenty minutes. Your milk solid is all set.

•    Gently rub the milk solids for approximately 7-8 minutes. Knead in the granulated sugar and cocoa powder for another 4-5 minutes.

•    In a broad shallow pan, melt the ghee, then incorporate the kneaded milk solids dough and simmer on low flame. You'll notice that the combination loses moisture and becomes mushy and gooey. Permit the ingredients to gather together as a mass while mixing on a low burner. It would begin to leave a small amount of liquid on the pan's edges. Do not allow it to get crumbled or dried. Turn down the heat and let the combination cool somewhat, but it must still be warm.

•    Carefully combine the prepared milk solids combination for a minute, then roll the dough into tiny balls and delicately flatten them. Pistachios, coarsely diced, serve as a garnish. They can be served at cold or ambient temperatures.


•    You may include a pinch of cinnamon powder or two drops of vanilla extract.

•    During making balls out of the prepared and kneaded milk solids, make sure the dough is sufficiently warm. Allowing the dough to cool entirely will make it difficult to form uniform balls.


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