Recipe and Essential Tips For Preparing Chocolate Sandesh


Chocolate Sandesh Requires the Following Ingredients:

·         Two litres of full-fat cow milk

·         Limes- Two

·         Powdered cocoa, unsweetened, hundred grammes

·         Brown and white sugar hundred grammes of each

·         Four to five falls vanilla extract

·         Two Tsp of instant powdered Coffee

·         Fifty grams of dark Choco Chips is required

Recipe Of East Chocolate Sandesh:                                    

1. To prepare the easy Chocolate Sandesh, start by squeezing the lemon and straining it to eliminate the seeds. Put the liquid away for later use.

2. Fill a thick-bottomed pot halfway with milk and heat it until it boils.

3. Turn off the flame and introduce 1/2 a spoon of fresh lime juice at a moment, stirring constantly.

4. Quit pouring the lime juice as soon as the milk separates and whisk the milk. When the cheese separates, a clear liquid is left behind.

5. Using a cotton towel, separate the cheese. Make a cheese bundle in the fabric by tying a firm knot. To eliminate the lime juice and whey from the cheese pack, soak it in water.

6. Mount the cheese package for ten to fifteen mins to let all of the extra liquid drains out, leaving you with delicious creamy cottage cheese in the fabric.

7. Combine the following ingredients in a grinder:

·         Cottage cheese or Paneer

·         powdered cocoa

·         Sugar

8. Blitz until you have a nice mixture.

9. In a thick-bottomed pan, combine the cheese mixture and cocoa and simmer for 8-ten mins on low flame, stirring constantly.

10. During the cooking process, the mixture would darken and thicken. Whenever the mixture is done, it would begin to pull away from the pan's edge.

11. Start by taking a little portion of the mixture and kneading it between your palms; if it does not adhere to your hands and forms a wonderful shining ball, the combination is done; if it does, continue cooking for another few mins. Before withdrawing from the heat, do a test.

12. Fat would separate and the combination would turn gritty if cooked too long.

13. Mix in the vanilla extract well.

14. Place the heated mixture in moulds and leave them aside to cool.

15. This mixture could also be packed with chocolate chips or walnuts and moulded by hand.

16. Eliminate the mould once it has completely cooled to ambient temperature and place choco chips on top.

17. The easy delicious and healthy chocolate Sandesh are prepared in a flash.


·         If cow milk is unavailable, buffalo milk could be used instead.

·         It's critical to pay close focus when preparing the cottage cheese since it's the star of the show. While adding the lime juice, the milk must not be maintained warm. Cottage cheese would turn hard and gritty if warmed during curdling the milk, rendering it unfit for creating Sandesh.

·         Straining straight on the strainer will cause the cheese to adhere to the strainer; instead, use a cloth filter to make it simpler to manage and rinse the cheese once it has been strained.

·         Cooking at a high temperature may cause the coco-cheese combination to become chewy and dry.

·         Cottage cheese's texture is ruined by too much lime juice, so stop when the milk curdles. Whisk for 2-3 mins to ensure that the lime juice is evenly distributed, resulting in full curdling.

·         Do not throw away the whey. It creates an excellent simple digest drink. Cool it down and add sweetener to your liking, then pour it into a glass. Yummy.

·         Whey could be used to prepare bread or roti dough instead of milk or water.

You may keep a container of whey in the refrigerator and utilize it to curdle milk.


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