Make the Mud Cake with This Easy Recipe


Indulge in this chocolate mud cake whenever you feel the need to satisfy your chocolate need. Dense, thick, and fudgy, with a smooth chocolate ganache on top, this cake is the epitome of sin. It's also perhaps the tallest layer cake you'll ever bake.

The cake batter may be prepared in a single bowl without needing an electric mixer. One must bake a cake at a low temperature for a long time if one wants it to turn out thick and fudgy. This cake has to bake for 1 hour and 30 minutes at 150 degrees Celsius (300 degrees Fahrenheit). Let us check out the mud cake recipe.

Chocolate Mud Cake

•    Break up the chocolate & butter and put them in a large, microwave-safe bowl.

•    Combine the butter & chocolate and microwave-melt them (or over a bain-marie). When melting in the microwave, do it in short bursts (I usually do 1 minute on medium, then thirty seconds, then 10 seconds more until melted), and mix well in between.

•    Mix in the sugar and the instant coffee.

•    Add the eggs and mix well. The batter will be less likely to separate or curdle if the eggs are kept at room temperature.

•    Incorporate the vanilla extract and milk by stirring. There is a chance the batter may separate now that the milk is cold. Keep stirring as you pour in the milk, and use milk at room temperature if at all feasible to reduce the likelihood of splitting. Remember that separating your batter when baking will not affect the outcome.

•    The dry ingredients should be sifted. You get a uniform batter with no lumps when you sift the ingredients. The ingredients may be shifted into a separate bowl and added to the batter.

•    Mix it, and it is as simple as pie. The time has come to bake the batter. Do not stress over if there's a lump or a little graininess.

•    Slow and low heat is used for baking the cake. Always check the cake with a skewer inserted into the centre to ensure it is done cooking; the time may vary by up to 15 minutes, depending on the power of your oven. If a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out largely clean or with only a few moist crumbs adhering, the cake is made.

•    Smooth the surface of the cake with a big serrated bread knife or a cake levelling tool. Mud cakes, being thick, tend to collapse a little in the centre.

Frosting Chocolate and Decoration

•    When the cake has cooled completely, you may remove the dome shape by sawing it off carefully with a serrated knife.

•    Put the chocolate into a heat-safe bowl once it has been finely chopped.

•    After chopping the chocolate, pour the hot cream over it and let it set for a few minutes. Once smooth, whisk it some more. If the chocolate has not melted, microwave for 30 seconds at medium power (approximately 500 watts).

•    The ganache may be drizzled over the cake and its sides, although this is optional. When the ganache has cooled for approximately 30 minutes, spread it all over the cake.

•    One may also use a 9-by-23-centimetre pan with 6-centimetre-high edges for baking. Again, there will be a 60–75-minute baking period at the same temperature.

•    Cake may be kept for up to 3 days at room temperature if stored in an airtight container and for up to 5 days in the fridge.


If the cake batter separates at any point in the baking process, it will still come out all right. After baking, it should not change the cake's taste or texture.


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