The types of cake that are delicious to eat


We want desserts on every occasion. And every day we eat something from the category of desserts such as biscuits, cookies, cakes etc. Among them, cakes are the most popular because we eat cakes at tiffin time and celebrate birthdays with cakes. If guests come to our house, we offer them cakes.

Cakes are the most eaten desserts. It is sweet, delicate, and rich in cream. It fills your stomach with satisfaction. Nowadays, you will get various cakes such as Chocolate cakes, fruit cakes, flavoured cakes and so on. And there are other categories like pound cake, tiffin cake etc.
Types of cakes according to flavours
●      Red velvet cake: Red colour attracts people very much. How interesting will it be if you get this bright red colour on the cake? By the name, we can guess that it is red in colour and soft and velvety in texture. The cake is made from raw cocoa powder. But the baker uses some grated beetroot to bring this bright red.
●      Pound cake: The cakes may look simple, but the taste is awesome. It is called so because of measurement. Baker uses a pound of sugar, a pound of eggs, and a pound of flour. This is made from some ingredients like flour, eggs, butter, milk etc. People are now experimenting with pound cakes. Now we can get pound cakes like olive oil pound cake, apple pound cake etc.
●      Black Forest cake: People like it very much as it contains dark chocolate. By soaking chocolate in sugar syrup, black forest cakes are made. Traditionally it is made by soaking cherry brandy. It has some white cream on the top, making the cakes more delicious.
●      Cupcakes: Cupcakes are cute in shape and delicate to taste. Cupcakes are easy to carry. The same ingredients are needed to make pound cake. But the difference is that you have to make this cake in cups. After preparing the batter, take one greased cup. Add batter to it. Bake it. When you have it, add some cream to it. The cream will enhance the taste.
●      Coffee cake: Coffee cakes are also very tasty to eat. One thing you have to do is to mix coffee with batter. If you are a coffee lover, the ball is in your court. You are getting a cake with coffee flavour. One type of coffee cake is Turkish coffee, made of cocoa powder, bittersweet chocolate, etc.
●      Fruit cakes. Fruit cakes are those that contain fruits with batter. You can add chopped fruits to cakes. The fruit flavour that you like can be added to cakes. Dry fruits are the most common. You can add cashew, pests, and nuts to the cakes.
●      Chocolate cake: This cake is for chocolate lovers. Eating chocolate on the cake is delicate. Chocolate lovers also can try Cadbury chocolate cake.
Some other wired variety of cakes
●      Carrot cakes: Carrot is a vegetable. Can you imagine a carrot being used to make a cake? Pumpkins can replace Carrots. It would be best to try a carrot cake and a pumpkin cake.
●      Biscuit cake: This is a type of spring cake, but it is chewy a little bit.
●      Genoise cake: Doesn't it sound awkward? A sponge cake is called a genocide cake.


Be clear when you go to a cake shop. Try them one by one. Sometimes cake causes Weight gain. But if you work out every day, there is a little concession you will get. But taking food in the right quantity keeps us healthy


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